On Thursday, 8th of November 2012 our class (Rm9) went to the “Fighting Words-The

Write to Right” creative writing centre beside Croke Park. The centre was set up by Roddy

Doyle, the famous Irish author of “The Giggler Treatment”, “Rover Saves Christmas”, “The

Meanwhile Adventures” and many more childrens’ stories as well as alot of adult books.

First we went into the centre. We got name tags and we got our pictures taken. Then

we went into the main room. We sat on some comfy cushions. Katie was our host and

Katherine was the typist ready to write our story. Isodora Epstein was our special illustrator

waiting to draw pictures from our imaginations.

We all gave Katie our ideas for the story. There were lots of ideas! Then she asked us to

close our eyes and vote. We voted on the main character, his best friend, his greatest dream,

worst nightmare and story title- It was “Bob and Cabbage Bond go on an Adventure”. Next

she went to Ms. McConkey’s office. Ms. McConkey is a grumpy old woman who seems to

hate children. She is the publisher so we had to impress her or she wouldn’t publish our


Later we went to another room to write our own endings of the story. We had to make

them as creative as possible. After that we went back to Ms. McConkey’s office to present

our endings to her. She read about four of them. She thought they were great and interesting

and, to our delight, she agreed to publish our stories. We each got a hard copy of the story

and that was the end of our day at “Fighting Words”. You can read our story by logging onto


Written by Scott Bellew and Jake Redmond. Room 9. Mr. Knight’s class