A big “Hi!” from Room 3! We are very happy to be in the senior school and we really like this school. We have found out that the school is very fun and we have also found out that we have been having fun too! We really like this school and we want to say, “Thank you,” to Ms O’Shea and Ms Maloney and all the teachers that make the school rules easy to follow. This has been an honour to us and thank you.

By Pearl


A big “Hi!” from everyone in Room 3. We are so happy to be in the senior school. Our teacher is Ms Farrell. We use Dojo points in class. When we get 50 points we get a cookie on our chart. When we have 30 cookies the class gets a treat!

By Aaron


We really like the senior school and a big “Hello” from Room 3. We are really looking forward to 4th class so we can learn how to play the tin whistle.

By David