Room 10’s Lenten Promises:

– “Stop talking to Sophie in class” (J. O’ Toole)

– “Stop talking to Jordan in class” (S. Grogan)

– “Stop drinking fizzy drinks” (A. Dempsey)

– “Stop fighting with my uncle” (C. Mc Carthy)

– “Improve on saying my prayers” (G. Risasi)

– “Don’t get angry at my brothers and sisters” (M. Sweeney)

– “To broaden my horizons and go to church at least once a month” (S. Elders)

– “Stop fighting with my brother” (A. Joseph)

– “Stop scoring goals myself and instead set other people up” (J. Mc Mahon Buggy)

– “Go to mass more often” (E. Gifford Joyce)

– “Give up fizzy drinks” (T. Joyce)

– “Try to do better in school” (J. Moorehouse)

– “Stop laughing in school and listen better” (J. Dunne)

– “Give up fizzy drinks” (M. Kelly)

– “Give up eating crisps and to stop fighting with my sister” (L. Cunningham)

– “Give up chocolate” (F. Edeaghe)

– “Stop moaning at football” (J. Berney)

– “Do what my mum tells me to do” (C. Mc Carthy)

– “Stop swinging on my chair” (E. Bowers)