Last month, we all wrote Halloween poems. We used other poems we had read for inspiration. After that, we took our favourite lines from our individual poems and made one class poem and we LOVE it! Check it out…

Halloween Night
By Room 20

It’s dark, it’s scary, it’s Halloween night,
All the monsters are coming to bite,
We stuff our face, mam doesn’t know,
Our piles of candy are starting to go.
Children would rather eat their own treats,
By they’re forced to eat the witch’s sweets,
They make them old, they make them ill,
They send them mad, they need to chill.
Trick or treating,
Lollipop eating,
You can hear the bonfire hissing,
All the children are now missing.
Ghosts go scaring while goblins take candy,
From a little boy names Andy,
The fireworks are going boom, boom, boom,
The mummy returns to his tomb, tomb, tomb.
Ghosts say boo!
Skeletons too.
As the clock strikes twelve,
We are back by ourselves,
Some creatures take flight, while others go below,
The underworld is beginning to grow.
My favourite time of year has just passed,
All the creatures have faded at last,
Not a mouse squeaking, not a creature to be seen,
This is the end of Halloween.