My Boxing Trip To England!

On Saturday the 18th I went to Newcastle to box for the Dublin squad. I had to wake up at 2:45 in the morning so I could get dressed and have breakfast, my uncle Paddy collected me at 3:30 to bring me to his friends house. His friend brought me to the airport. When we got on the aeroplane I listened to music the flight took 50 minutes. As soon as we got there the kids got on a bus and went to a hotel. It was in the middle of no where. We got to the hotel, put our bags down and started to train. It was a good training session because it gave us something to do. After training we got keys to our rooms my room was the biggest. We stayed in the rooms until 12:30 then we had to weigh in. After the weigh ins everybody got loads of food to eat because we were all so hungry. We ordered pizza at about 9:00 it was gorgeous. Then we all went asleep a half an hour later. The next morning we woke up at 8 o’clock to get breakfast, after breakfast we went to the boxing arena to see what its like and to warm up. We were then called into the ring with our opponents to shake their hands and to swap t-shirts.

We then warmed up and got our pictures taking with the Dublin flag it was deadly. Then the fights started we won the first fight then I didn’t pay attention to the rest of them, I was the 8th fight but the 1st in the boy twos. In my fight I gave the boy a standing count in the 2nd round (that means you stop him and the ref checks if he is ok) then I won the fight. The overall score was 12-8 to Dublin. The next day we went home.

By Ryan Dunne!!