Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

We have been studying the topic of “weight” in Maths.

We decided that this was the perfect opportunity to go cooking because you usually have to weigh the ingredients.

We decided to make “Love Cookies” as it is Valentines Day today!

In the Kitchen we measured the flour, butter and sugar on a weighing scales.

We mixed them altogether. Then we each were given a piece of Dough. We cut shapes using a shape cutter.

We placed them in the oven for 10 -15 minutes.

While we waited for the cookies to bake we relaxed and enjoyed some tasty hot chocolate, topped with marshmallows.

As an extra treat for this special day we enjoyed some love heart jellies too!!

When the cookies came out they were a lovely golden brown.

They tasted AMAZING!

We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Maloney, Ms. Haughian and all the helpers.

We enjoyed it so much! It was great to use our Maths brains in the Kitchen!

By Sophie K. S and Megan Hopkins



Sophie wrote this wonderful poem:

V is for the violets we give,

A is for all the gifts we get,

L is for the love we share this one day,

E is for everyone caring,

N is for Noble guys spoiling their girls,

T is for Time because it’s so precious,

I is for in our hearts full of joy and laughter,

N is for not forgetting good memories,

E is for everything in this poem….so don’t forget it.

By Sophie K. Singleton