My trip to Mount Seskin

On the 6 of March my class went to Mount Seskin for world book day. We went to Mount Seskin from our school St. Thomas. It was a 5 minute walk. When we arrived the secretary told us we should go through the pupil entrance. We went through the other side of the school and a girl welcomed us. We had to wait near the wall because someone was in the library. When we went in we sat at the table. The tables were brown and hard, the chairs were bright red and comfy. The books were organized in categories; art, technology and dictionaries. We sat down and the Librarian talked to us about the four books we were about to get. One of the books was about a lost dog called John Pepper. There were also three books that were about school trips. They were called Midnight Picnic, Milo and the long lost warriors and Middle School: Lost in London. Midnight Picnic was about a girl was going on a picnic at night! Middle School; lost in London was about a boy getting lost in London. Milo and the long lost warriors was about a boy called Shane and Milo who were going on a school trip to Dublinia which a museum in Dublin. The school bullies were coming along and the bullies called Milo and Shane Nerds! When the librarian finished talking she told us to line up in twos so we could get our book vouchers and exchange them for books. We got books and bookmarks. My book was Milo and the long lost warriors and Dino FC. My bookmark was a yellow Lamborghini. We had lots of fun in the library at Mount Seskin

By Destiny in 5th class room 11