Whenever it was computer time for Room 8, Ms. Fleming’s class would visit & do computer time with us too! We would choose 2 of Ms.Fleming’s class to sit beside us so we could do Scratch together. Ms. Surlis & Ms. Fleming would hand us a sheet with a list of challenges for us to complete. We would let Ms. Fleming’s class do all of the coding, while we we would help them if they were stuck. We had lots of fun doing all the coding & scripting & seeing what would happen when we pressed the green flag! They stayed with for a whole 4 weeks, so we were able to do lots of challenges. At the end of the week, we would all sit down & watch what we had all done during the 4 weeks. We were very sad when they left but we hoped that we will come back very soon.
Here are some picture of us doing Scratch with Ms.Fleming’s class: