It’s hard to believe that September has already come and gone. We have really settled into life in Room 20 and we are already working hard in 4th class!

We have been doing loads of cool things since we have come back to school. We have been examining and learning about different types of buildings in History and Geography. We designed pieces of art based on a building in Berkeley, California and created our own versions of the famous James Rizzi ‘Skyscrapers’.

September has also been a science filled month! We made our own working lungs and did experiments to see what materials dissolve and even one to see which would dissolve faster, a sugar cube or a teaspoon of sugar.

Our year in 4th class has gotten off to a great start and we are looking forward to the rest of the year and seeing what it has in store for us! Hopefully we can tick or two things off the bucket lists we wrote.

Finally we would like to say a HUGE congratulations to the Dublin Team on their All-Ireland win! UP THE DUBS!