In Room 15 the children have been working exceptionally hard. Here is a snippet of what we have done this term.

In English we have been learning all about explanation texts. The children are excellent at identifying all of the features and using flow diagrams to organise their ideas. This week we are planning an explanation text on the digestive system.

The children have particularly enjoyed learning about the Solar System. The children completed a treasure hunt on the planets in the school garden, made a model of the solar system out of paper maché,  and completed a class project on phases of the moon and constellations.

In history, children have learnt about school in the olden days and comparing it to school now. The children completed beautiful leaflets to display information about the history of St. Thomas’ S.N.S. The children also enjoyed learning about the life of Marie Curie and the Aztecs.

Despite all the hard work, the children have managed to squeeze in some treats for excellent behaviour -astro, games and cooking and two transition days to Mount Seskin.

It has been a brilliant Term in Room 15 and I would like to wish all of the children and their families a happy and safe Halloween 🙂