Over the Easter break, Ms Guinan and Mr Campbell went to Kenya to visit and volunteer in Cara Projects. Cara Projects is a rescue centre that looks after girls (and some boys) who are poor and neglected. While they were there they helped the children with their homework and taught them songs and dances. They also brought some lollipops as a treat for the children. The children are very poor. Each day they have porridge for their breakfast, rice and vegetables (lentils) for their dinner and ugali for their supper (maize flour). Water is very scarce. They wash themselves using cold water. They scrub the floors and wash their clothes by hand every day. They are very grateful for all the help they get from volunteers and all the money that we raised for them in our school. The money that we raised for them just before Christmas got them a lovely Christmas dinner that they never had before. Some of the children even wear our school uniform with great pride.

You can find out all about Cara Projects on their website http://www.caraprojects.com/

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