What a great way to kick off wellness week with a football tournament in Trinity College Dublin. 13 students took part in the Sporting Talent and Academic Rewards (Stars) Tournament.

The students did their school and Jobstown proud, winning all three matches in style and exhibiting great footballing and technical ability which won over a huge amount of spectators cheering St. Thomas’ SNS on. With the crowds support and what could only be described as a heroic performance by Ola in goal, we beat St. Kevin’s 4-3 in the final after 2 halves of extra time. A spectacular overhead kick by Scott sealed the deal and set St. Thomas SNS school up for the Dublin title on Wednesday 5th April.

After the tournament the students got the chance to interact with current TCD students and received a tour of the campus as well as the sporting facilities available on site. It was great to catch up with Aloisia King, a former St. Thomas’ pupil now attending TCD studying medicinal chemistry, who we happened to bump into on our travels.

Graham Gartland, another former St. Thomas’ student who arranged the tournament alongside Trinity Access Programme (TAP) was there throughout the day offering some excellent advice and encouragement.

All in all, it was a great day and I hope we’ve even more good news to report in the very near future 😉

Mr. Brennan and Mr. Daly