Our school is working towards getting out Global Citizenship Green Flag. This will be our 6th Green Flag. Over the past few weeks, Room 22 have been working hard on a Global Awareness Survey to help the Green Schools Committee to achieve the flag.
(Global Awareness = How much you know about the wider world!)
We went around to all of the classes in our school and surveyed 32 teachers and over 300 pupils to find out how much they knew about the wider world.
Here are some interesting things that we found out by looking at the results of the survey…
- Pupils give more to charity shops than teachers!
- Pupils clean up their community more often than teachers!
- Teachers ate more food from other countries than pupils did!
- Lots of pupils weren’t sure about Fair Trade Products!
- Teachers buy more from local farmers!
- Lots of teachers thought they have things in common with people in poorer parts of the world
- Only about ¼ of teachers AND pupils have written to politicians or newspapers about something they believe in!
If you would like to see the questions in more detail, take a look at the pie charts that Eddie, Casey and Kayla helped to make…
The pupils’ results are on the right, the teachers’ results are on the left…
See our project in the hall!
Thanks to all of the pupils and teachers who took part in the survey.