We have settled back well into school after our Christmas holidays. Between our Christmas concerts, our visit to Santa in the breakfast club and the Christmas Fair and a trip to the cinema for good attendance, we had such a busy but fun run up to the  holidays. The new year brings a new term and a fresh start for us all. We are so excited about our upcoming swimming lessons, we are sure to have a splashing time!! We have just completed group projects about rocks, we learnt that there are three types of rocks and we learnt about how rocks are formed.

We wrote New Year acrostic poems in English and in Art we made 3D hot air balloons, using bubble wrap and matchsticks to print the sky and hot air balloon basket.  As Dr. Seuss says ‘Oh the places we will go……’ We are sure to go far in Rm6 and have a great 2018 as we begin to learn lots more. We will keep you posted!!