Since January Room 10 have been working on a special Seachtain na Gaeilge project. Rinneamar físeán ceoil (we made a music video).

Firstly we learned the song and discussed what we thought it was about. We then thought of a concept for our music video and finally began filming it so that Ms Fleming could edit the footage for us.

We decided that this song, in our opinion, is about coming together as one to make a change in the world. We made a list of changes we would like to see in the world and incorporated these into our music video. We also wrote a solgan to encourage people to think about the changes they would like to see in the world and incorporated this into our video too …

Tá an amhrain seo faoi rudaí mícheart ar fud an domhain.

(This song is about the things that are wrong all over the world.)

Tar le cheile chun athriú a dhéanamh.

(Come together to make a change.)

Music Rights: Coláiste Lurgan

Original Video: