Fighting Words
Last week we went to Cabinteely house to become a writer, first we travelled on a bus to get there and it took us half an hour, on the way some people were singing and some people were talking. When we got there we went looking for the house and we meet a lady called Celine and she told us that there is goblins and elves and fairies and we had to wake them by shouting, then we went in side and had a tour of the kitchen,dining table,survinse room and more. After that we went to a room and talked to Lorcans boss and he said children are no good at writing stories and then we wrote a story together. It was called Al and Cheesy’s Army. We had break and went outside to play then we went back inside and wrote our stories and finished the story that I mentioned earlier. We had a such great day at Fighting Words and all really enjoyed finishing our own books.
Made by Saoirse Emmett Doyle room 20 4th class Miss.C.Kelly
You can see our story online at