On Friday the 25th of October our class went to the fire station on Tara Street to learn about Halloween safety. Joanne brought us with the Dublin Bus.

When we arrived there, we were split into groups of 6. Then we went into the fire trucks, we learned how to use walkie talkies and gas tanks. They showed us the area where they answer phone calls. After that,we all got to pet 2 different kinds of horses . Temi, Hannah, Ava, Cody and Paddy got interviewed by RTE News, and were on the News! They showed us the dangers of bangers and screamers and how fire mixed with petrol could cause a big explosion! They had a mannequin on display to show what bangers and screamers could do to your body parts. The Deputy Lord Mayor was there to teach us what to do if your clothes ever got caught on fire: STOP,DROP AND ROLL.

We were given lots of treats from Dublin Bus. We went back to school around 12:30 pm and had a Halloween class party in the afternoon. We had a great time and learned loads too!

Temi and Hannah