Hi everyone, we miss you and hope you are all safe and well.
We know you are doing great work at home to help your family and cannot wait to hear all about it.
Keep up the great work on Google Classroom, absolutely amazing work going on there!
If for some reason you are unable to use Google Classroom then you can try the work packs below in your copy instead.
From Ms. Collins, Mr. Daly, Ms. Guinan and Mr. Watson 😊

Spellings Week 27 Monday Read at home pg 97 Week 3 Maths; Monday + Tuesday Tuesday Read at home pg 98 Wednesday Read at home pg. 99 Week 3 Counites of Ireland Poem Counties of Ireland Activity Week 3 Maths; Wednesday and Thursday Thursday Read at home pg 100 Friday Cloze; How we move Friday Maths; Multiplication wheels Friday; Book review
COVID19 pack week 4 27/04/20 – 01/05/20
Week 28 SpellingsMonday Read at Home pg. 101 Maths; Monday and Tuesday Monday time capsule; History in the making Tuesday Time Capsule Interview Tuesday Read at home pg.102 Maths; Wednesday and Thursday Wednesday Read at home pg.102 Wednesday time capsule letter to myself Thursday Read at home pg 104 Thursday Time Capsule Safe at home Friday book review Friday Cloze; The Stone Age Friday time capsule my week in review Fractions to Decimals aid