Great news! All the hard work the children and staff have been putting into making EcoBricks this year has paid off yet again! We are in the finals of yet another national competition – the Young Environmentalist Awards!
We need YOU! The People’s Choice Award voting competition is now open and we would love it if everyone voted for us and our important work.
Please click on the link below to bring you to the voting page. When it opens you will be asked this question ‘How did you hear about us?’. Please click on the box beside the words Project Participants
When you click on the box you will be asked to enter the Project Registration Code – please type in 2020-069. Then you just need to click submit!
Click here to vote – https://tinyurl.com/y8obbh3m
You can vote as often as you like until midnight on Monday May 18th. Please tell your friends and family about us and get them voting too.