If you can not access Google Classroom, here is some work you can try in your copies and books at home. If possible though please login to Google Classroom to complete the tasks as then the teacher can view and assess the work, and the children can watch videos of teacher explaining new material.
Monday 8/02/2021
English: Exercise Your English – Grammar- EYE p. 50 Idioms/ Unusual Words A and B only and All Write Now p. 34 & 35.
Maths: Maths- Fractions Planet Maths p59 Qs b-c
History: Research and create a project on The Bronze Age:
- Website suggestions for research:
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z82hsbk/articles/z874kqt
- https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/Bronze-Age/442992
- https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Bronze-Age/352883
- https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/the-bronze-age
Tuesday 09/02/2021
English: Comprehension- EYE read “Barrack Obama” p. 42 and complete questions A and D ONLY and RAH p. 33 & Qs.
Maths- Fractions Planet Maths p60 Qs a-b
History : The Bronze Age. Continue on your project.
Wednesday 10/02/2021
English : All Write Now p. 36 & 37 and RAH p. 34 & Qs.
Maths- Fractions Planet Maths p60 Qs c-d
History : The Bronze Age. Continue on your project.
Thursday 11/02/2021
English : RAH p. 35 & Qs, All Write Now p38 & 39.
Maths- Fractions Planet Maths p61 Qs a-c
SPHE: Continue on with next page of Mindful Matters
Friday 12/02/2021
English: All Write Now p. 38 & 39
Maths: Fractions Planet Maths p62 Qs a-b
History : The Bronze Age. Continue on your project.
Don’t forget to login in to Reading Eggs & Mathletics and try and get some exercise each day too – https://www.stthomas.ie/kids-zone/health-fitness/
Happy Mid-term Break from Mr. Carroll, Ms. Connolly, Mrs. Murphy, Ms. Wilson & Ms. Kelly.