It’s been a busy few weeks in Room 8.
We’re almost finished our Marathon Kids Programme and next week we are going on a trip to Tallaght Athletic Club to complete our final mile on their running track! We have also been going swimming in Tallaght Leisure Centre every Thursday and next week is our last week unfortunately. We have absolutely loved going swimming and our swimming skills have improved so much! Lots of us are even diving into the deep end now!!
We have learnt lots of different things this month. We have covered lots of tricky topics in Maths like 3D Shapes, Long Division and Fractions. In SESE we learnt all about Nelson Mandela and The Renaissance as part of History. In Geography we were studying the country of Great Britain. For Science, we learnt all about composting and deforestation. We made our own posters highlighting the importance and benefits of composting. Some of us made our posters on the Chromebooks and others drew them by hand but they all look great.
We’ve done lots of lovely art this month with a focus on the concept of print. We even combined art with a science lesson for Science Week.
We’ve also been lucky enough to be chosen as one of the five classes in the school to partake in the RTE Jnr and Minecraft Education Project “Ireland’s Future is MINE.” We are creating different projects on the Chromebooks using Minecraft and it’s great fun.
Take a look at some of our work!!