The Junior Librarians went to Tallaght Library on the 22nd of September in honour of St. Thomas’s SNS. We did a little activity about working in a Library as well as saying what’s right and wrong in a Library or with the book you have borrowed. We then went on a tour through the library starting with the children’s fiction and non-fiction, then went on through the adult section books. We went through the DVD’s, CD’s and audio books sections! Afterwords we went through the conference rooms, office’s and the Music Generation room. The end of the tour brought us through the Young Adult Section. We then took pictures on the stairs next to the computers, in the Conference room and the circle full of chairs! This is when we started the activites that the Librarians do on a daily basis. There was stamping, lego sorting, scanning and book organisation. Of course we didn’t get it all done, but it looked well! Then at the end we got to pick one book each from Tallaght Library, such as Fiction, History, sports, horror and craft books! We all enjoyed the Trip and Thank you Miss Flynn for helping organising this and Esther for being The Queen of the Library. By Caitlin Smith and Kayla Moorhouse.