Our pupils will be taking part in skipping workshops on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th October. Skipping ropes will be provided for the workshop.
There will also be a range of skipping ropes available for pupils if they would like to purchase them at the workshops for the following prices (this is OPTIONAL):
7ft Speed Rope € 7 (RRP €8) (Jun Inf – Sen Inf Children)
8.5 ft Speed Rope € 7 (RRP €8) (1st Class – 6th Class Children)
10ft Speed Rope €10 (RRP €12) (Adults/Partner Skipping)
Family Rope €12 (RRP €16) (16ft Long, perfect for 1-3 people in long rope games 1st-6th Class)
Double Dutch Set €18 (RRP €22) (2 x 16ft Long, perfect for 1-3 people in Double Dutch 1st-6th Class )
Long Rope €15 (RRP €18) (25ft Long, perfect for 4or more in long rope in 5th & 6th Class only)