Grandparent’s day is always a super special day in our school. On this day, the pupils usually enjoy welcoming their Grandparents and loved ones into school for a day of celebrations and great conversations.

We couldn’t host our usual gathering today, however, covid didn’t stop the boys and girls in Jobstown going the extra mile to put a smile on their Nanny and Grandad’s faces!

Have a look at the amazing artwork our very thoughtful pupils have been busy making all day. Their teachers are all so proud of them. How lucky we are to be receiving pictures of the pupil’s efforts via our online platform!

We hope your Grandparents feel extra loved today. Fingers crossed we can all catch up safely, over tea and cake, on Grandparents day next year.


by Sam room 6
by Cayden Room 10
by Elisha room 7
by Madison room 26
by Bekki room 16
Jack room 8
Aisling room 17
by Kayla room 10
by Kaylum room 4
Ms. Gill’s class, comments about Grandparents
Fareedah room 10
Daniel room 9
by Katelyn room 14
Daniel room 8