If you are unable to login to Google Classroom, here is some work you can work on in your copies and books at home. If possible, please login to Google Classroom to complete the tasks so your teacher can view and correct your great work!

English: Read at home Pg. 31 & 32

Exercise your English Pg. 41 ‘ch’ letters

Exercise your English Pg. 52 & 53 The Happening Place

Narrative Writing – Create a comic strip based on the character and story plot you have developed over the last few weeks.

Cursive handwriting next 2 pages

Maths: Fractions

Monday- Planet Maths pg. 37

Tuesday- Planet Maths pg. 38

Wednesday- Planet Maths pg. 39

Thursday- Planet Maths pg. 40

Friday- Planet Maths pg. 41

SESE: St. Brigid

Create a ‘Limerick’ based on St.Brigid or write a newspaper report on the story of St.Brigid and her cloak.

Art: Make a St.Brigid’s Cross or create a poster based on St.Brigid’s cloak.

Remember to login and complete some task on reading eggs and mathletics.