Room 25 got the opportunity to take part in a ‘Fighting Words’ workshop with Pierina and her team on Tuesday, May 25th. All the children in the class helped to construct a story by coming up with a title, characters, setting and plot. They also got to create a beginning for the story which was typed up by Mary from the Fighting Words team.

In the second half of the session, the children were encouraged to continue the story using their own ideas and come up with a suitable ending. All the children worked very hard on this but one story really stood out for its creativity and imagination. The Fighting Words Team were so impressed by Daniel Akinola’s story about ‘The Kidnappers’ that they published it on their website and have asked to keep it for use in future story projects. This is the first time in a number of years that a pupil from our school has had a story published by ‘Fighting Words’. Well done, Daniel!

Please see the link to the story below.