On the 25/3/22 we met St Peter’s Apostles. It was a stressful match but fun. All the girls took part and didn’t complain. The weather was amazing and a few classes got to come and cheer us on!

In the first half, we got a whopping score of 1 goal and 3 points and made the school very proud. They were a tough team to go against, but we still pushed through and everyone enjoyed it even though it was so hot!

We are going to tell you the positions of all players;

1st half

Goalie1. Hannah

2.Aoife 3.Elisha 4.Kayla (Backs)

5.Caoimhe 6.Rose 7.Rebecca (Centre Backs)

8.Keeley 9.Abi (Mid Field)


13.Ava 14.Yamanda 15.Lexi (Forwards)

Despite a tough game for the St. Thomas the girls maintained an excellent attitude throughout the game and displayed a great skill set and excellent team work.

And thanks to all the supporters and a big thanks to Miss Collins , Ms. Seagrave ,Miss Sargent and Miss Murphy for preparing us for all the matches. The girls had great fun and everyone built a great bond and made new friends.

And congrats to Keeley , Abi and Caoimhe for the great team work throughout the game .

The girls can’t wait for any other matches coming up!

A special thanks to Mr.Rennick for all the equipment.

-Rose and Elisha