On the 20th May 2022,  5th class went to Mount Seskin for a visit.  They were very kind to invite us up to their school and show us around. We will keep them in mind when deciding which secondary school we would like to go to. When they got there the 5th class went out the back of the school and did skiing, but with wooden planks and rope. They were all great at it, after the planks they went to go play rounders and XO relay races. They all had a great time playing. Afterwards, classes swapped over and our class went inside to the school PE hall. There was a lot of different activity options, including; flipping blanket races, giant chess, giant jenga, chair balance, obstacle race, unknot yourself and spike ball.  All of 5th class really enjoyed our trip to Mount Seskin, we were amazed that the school had almost every single flag in the world on two walls, to show all the different backgrounds of the students, when you enter the building. It was a great day by all!

Written by Caoimhe Murphy and James O’ Reilly.