Our Trip to Corkagh Park by Ryan Dunne

First of all we went on the bus and it took us about twenty minutes to get there. When we first went into the park we went the wrong way and had to go back to the playground. We had thirty minutes of playing there on the swings, slides and a big monkey climb. It was great fun! We then started to walk to the petting zoo. When we got there we looked around and saw chickens, pigs, birds, goats and sheep. It was good! We fed the sheep and petted the goats and the horses. Then we went for a walk around the lake. We saw some fishermen and we got a class photograph taken. After that we went to the garden and had a scavenger hunt. It was very hard! Finally we went to the playing field. Some people played rounders and some people played football, it was brilliant.  Then we walked back to the bus and went back to school. We had a great day out at Corkagh park!

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