Yesterday some of our grandparents came to our school for tea, biscuits and a prayer service. My Nanny came to our school, after the prayers she came down to my class and we asked her questions about how school was in the past and now. I liked having my Nanny in my class. – Brandon

My Nanny came to my class and we sang a song for the grandparents. We sang ‘The Beatles, Hello Goodbye’. We played instruments along with the song. I liked having the grandparents in school. I liked the prayer service. -Jamie

Next week our class is going to the ‘Natural History Museum’ as a reward for good behaviour. We can’t wait! You will see pictures of our trip next Friday. I can’t wait to go, we are learning about it this week. -Abbie

We are close to getting ‘Golden Time’ this week and we might be making icing to decorate biscuits. We wrote a procedure on ‘How to make Sugar Icing’. – Alex

On Monday we went to the church for a prayer service with Saula. We sang some songs too. It was very nice. -Heidi