For our Christmas concert, Room 20 wrote and performed a poem called “Winter”. First we wrote individual poems and chose our favourite lines. Then we brought it all together to make a whole class poem. We hope you like it!


Children squeal with happiness,
As the snowfall comes and goes.
They have on fluffy socks,
To warm their chilly little toes.

Mums and dads are buying us clothes
And lots of tissues for my runny nose
Our parents go to buy us coats
And some shirts to go up to our throats
Every year I go to my nans
Oh my god I have swollen glands

It’s winter, it’s winter, we’re hungry, we must keep warm,
So sit down by the fire and have coffee and sweet corn.
In winter we have hot chocolate, the children yell “Yum yum!”
We love it with marshmallows, they feel all gooey in our tum.

Mum does the shopping in preparation,
Dad takes out the decorations.
All our candles are coming alight,
We’ll have lots of presents by Christmas night.
We put up the tree and the Christmas wreath,
It’s a beautiful time of joy and peace.

Mum and Dad sit by the fire while the kids play in the snow,
Then the children come in screaming “quick, it’s the Late, Late Toy Show!”
We all sit around the TV watching all the lovely toys,
That Santa is going to bring for the good girls and boys.

Jack Frost is a creepin,
And Santa is a eatin,
Cookies from children who are grateful to him.

Christmas time has come at last,
It’s my favourite time of year.
All the love and all the giving,
All the happiness and cheer.

The kids and parents rush down the stairs,
It’s finally Christmas day.
We tear off bows and wrapping,
Open our toys and start to play.
Santa gave Ruben a football,
Larry says, “Here, pass!”
Then Mum shouts from the kitchen,
“Quick! We’re gonna be late for mass!”

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we start singing at mass,
“Oh yes!” say all the children, “It’s finished at last.”
Candles of purple, white and pink,
I see my friends, I give them a wink.

Then we go home and some of us,
Will play with mum and dad.
Some of us will be outside,
And run around like mad!
We make snow angels on the ground,
While those who ice skate twirl around.
The children have a snowball fight,
It’s turning into a cold Christmas night.

It’s time to say goodbye to Christmas for another year,
We hope you enjoyed it too and even saw a few reindeer.
We ate our turkey, Christmas pudding too,
It’s Jesus’ birthday, happy Christmas to you!