We have a drive in our school to help to improve our attendance. At the end of each term, we are awarded bronze, silver or gold leaves for our attendance tree.

The bronze leaf is for only two days missed in the term, silver for only one day missed and gold for full attendance in the term.

As you can see from the photos we had lots and lots of winners in all our standards!  Well done everyone!  We will upload a photo of our attendance tree with all our leaves on it soon.

A massive congratulations to all the deserving winners as well as their families at home for all their support.

3rd Class Bronze Leaf Winners
3rd Class Silver Leaf Winners
3rd Class Gold Leaf Winners
4th Class Bronze Leaf Winners
4th Class Silver Leaf Winners
4th Class Gold Leaf Winners
5th Class Bronze Leaf Winners
5th Class Silver Leaf Winners
5th Class Gold Winners
6th Class Bronze Winners
6th Class Silver Winners
6th Class Gold Leaf Winners