Since September we have been reading a fantastic book called George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. The book is all about a boy called George who makes a new medicine for his Granny using everything and anything he could find around his house.

We did lots of work on the different characters. We even acted out a scene from the book. Some of us pretended to be George and others pretended to be Granny.

In the book George made up a chant while he was stirring and mixing his medicine. Everybody in our class made up their own chant. We think Roald Dahl would have been really proud.

There were so many more activities we did based on this book like designing our own book cover, answering questions and completing a book review after we read the book, but one of the most important things we created was our ‘Warning Posters’. George used ingredients from his house like shampoo, washing up liquid, curry powder and even paint! We made posters to warn every reader – DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Everyone in room 4 would really recommend this book. It is a great read. It is funny, interesting and entertaining.

Take a look below at some of the work we did on George’s Marvellous Medicine.

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