Room 7 have been working so hard this term. On Friday 20th May, we really enjoyed our lesson outside with Mouse. We love learning about nature and the environment with Mouse. He set us a challenge to make birds nest from what we could find in our school garden. We had to ensure that our nests were sturdy and were able to house an egg. Each nest were placed in nearby trees and bushes. Mouse tested our nests by shaking them for 10 seconds, they past the test if the egg remained unharmed in the nest. Room 7 proved to be very skillful nest-builders as we all passed the test!

We have also been learning about farming in geography. We had a visit to our class from a dairy farmer who shared his experience about growing up on a farm, and the changes that have been made to farming over the years. Room 7 impressed our farmer by all the well thought out questions that they had prepared for the lesson. We then wrote a report about all we learnt.

It was Book week last week in school, and Rm. 7  had great fun hearing interesting stories from the guest story-tellers, playing drama games, writing book reviews and having daily DEAR time (Drop everything And Read!). We especially enjoyed the table quiz, pupils from our class got the highest score and won first prize. Well done Marcio, Jamie, Cian and Christopher!

With just over three weeks left in school, we have lots more learning and fun to squeeze in!!DSCF1287 DSCF1290 DSCF1284 DSCF1281 DSCF1266 DSCF1258