On Tuesday 24th our class along with Ms. Flynn’s got to go to Dominoes in The Square. We got to go on this a trip as a reward for good behaviour! We took the 27 bus from outside the school and we got off at The Square! It cost us €1 each way.

When we got to Dominoes we had to put on our aprons to protect our uniforms. We split into our classes – Ms. Flynns made their pizzas while we did the box challenge! The box challenge is to see how quickly we could fold our pizza boxes! After a little while we got to swap and then it was our turn to make our pizzas.

We watched the man knead our dough and make it into the pizza shape, then we chose our base sauce and put the cheese and toppings on top! They were delicious!

Once all the pizzas were cooked (including ones for the teachers and SNA’s) we got to choose our dipping sauce and take a can of Fanta. We left Dominoes very happy as they also gave us key rings and a money off voucher!! We were so lucky!

We were allowed to have our pizzas as a picnic at the outside seating area beside the playground. It was a great day and we would like to thank the management of Dominoes for this trip! We are the luckiest classes in our school!