We went on a hunt in the school garden for the signs of Spring. We took notes and drew some sketches in our copies of […]

Student of the Month
Congratulations to our final Students of the Month for 2017. As usual it was a difficult choice for the teachers. Well done to you all!

6th Class Assembly
Well done to all of our 6th Class students who were all congratulated by Ms O’Shea for their excellent behaviour, their listening and for wearing […]

Student of the Month
Congratulations to our Students of the Month!! Teachers reflected on the Month of October and awarded our most deserving students at assembly. Well done everybody!!

6th Class Assembly
Congratulations to all the 6th Class students who were awarded Student of the Month and Sports Stars of the Month by their teachers, well done! […]

Student of the Month
Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month, keep up the good work!

6th Class Assembly
Well done to all the students who contributed to our assembly, showcasing their projects and good news. Congratulations to all our students who were awarded […]

Trip to IT Tallaght
Our Visit to IT Tallaght On the 18th of November, as a reward for the students of the month, all of the 5th and 6th […]

Our Lollipop Stick Constructions
During the month of October, our class took part in a very big project. We each made our own unique pieces of art using lollipop […]

Active Schools Week
This week is Active Schools Week in our school. The children have had the opportunity to take part in many different types of activities. The […]

Dublin Bus Winners
Congratulations to all the winners of the Dublin Bus poster competition in our school. Thanks to Joanne from Dublin Bus for presenting the children with […]

Student of the Month
Well done to all our students of the month!! 3rd Class 4th and 5th Class 6th Class

Animation Workshop with Alan Nolan
Room 8, room 3a and room 18a had the privilege of meeting author and illustrator Alan Nolan. Alan not only told some fantastic stories about […]

Students of the Month
Congratulations to all of our students, pictured below, who were awarded the first Student of the Month awards this year! Keep up the good work!

Student of the Month
Well done to all the children in our school who were nominated, by their teachers for Student of the Month! Well done!

Rm 3a Makes Red Velvet Cake!!
As part of their award for reaching 100 dojos, Ms Barry’s class got to make red velvet cake as a special treat! Everyone was really […]

Engineers Week 2015 – K’nex Workshop
Ms Barry’s and Mr Kenny’s class really enjoyed their trip to Tallaght Library during Engineers Week! Well done to Craig and Nathan, who came third […]

Attendance Winners Term One
We have a drive in our school to help to improve our attendance. At the end of each term, we are awarded bronze, silver or […]
Cookery With Room 18a and Room 3a
Ms Barry’s and Ms Seagrave’s class, show just how easy it is to make chocolate brownies.

FÍS Awards 2014
Ms. Barry’s and Ms. Surlis’ classes had a wonderful day in the Helix at the 10th Annual FÍS Awards. St. Thomas’ were one of 24 […]
Discover Primary Science Award
Abbey’s Dad comes to visit St Thomas’ SNS to tell us about his job working in Hewlett Packard. We got to ask him lots of […]

Our class and Ms McKenna’s Reading Unit are doing the ‘FRIENDS For Life’ programme together every week. Each letter of the word FRIENDS stands for […]

Animation Workshop – getting our hands dirty!
On Monday 24th June, Eimhin returned to the Junior Reading Unit to continue work on our animation of The Lost Lands. First, Eimhin showed us […]

ClassDojo in the Junior Reading Unit
In the Junior Reading Unit this year we have been using the ClassDojo website (www.classdojo.com). Each day our teacher gives us Dojo points for being […]
Our Poem for Assembly
At our assembly this month we read out a poem by Madeline Napier. We adapted it a little bit. We thought you all might like […]
Let’s Get Cooking!
Last week, as a reward for excellent behaviour over the last half term, the Junior and Senior Reading Units made homemade burgers. They were really […]